
Happy New Years 2010

Tonight we close out a decade. 2000- 2009.

They always say, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"  Let me answer that well I didn't see myself moving to 2 different houses. I didn't see myself unemployed looking for a job with a government spending out of control. Well I hope 2010 is better then the past decade. There were good times too.

Console Gaming

Game consoles of the past 10 years are:

From: 2 (October 26, 2000)
Playstation 2 Slim (September 2004)

From: (November 15, 2001),

From: Game Cube (November 18, 2001)

From: Portable (PSP) (March 24, 2005),

From: (November 22, 2005)

From: 3 (November 11, 2006)

From: Wii (November 19, 2006).

We also celebrated birthday milestones for gaming consoles:

From: Genesis - August 14, 1989-2009 - 20 years

From: Dreamcast - September 9, 1999 - 2009 - 10 years

Nice weekend, Worked on Computer

I worked on my computer this weekend. Well it wasn’t much I was backing up to a external hard drive. I am going to use the drive, I backed up from, in my original Xbox. I already have a 250GB in my Xbox compared to the 8GB stock. My new drive I will be installing if all goes well is just a precaution so I won’t mess up my other already installed drive with I install DSL (Damn Small Linux) on it.

I would like to use my Xbox as a small server. I’ve been told that I will still be able to play games on it but I’m not sure so that is why I am installing another drive to test this theory out.

I also install Windows 7 RC 7100 on my brothers laptop, my old laptop he uses. When the install was complete it had some missing drivers, Video, Audio, Wireless Adapter, & Multimedia card support. The video showed up no problem it just needed to be updated. All the drivers were install but the multimedia card, windows update couldn’t find one. Windows 7 RC 1000 ran pretty good on that old computer which I purchased as my first Personal Computer (PC) back in June of 2005.

I think Windows 7 will be a great OS when it is released in October 22, this year. I ordered 4 copies when they were only selling for $49.99. Windows Home Premium Upgrade version, now they are $120 per license.


The Tech Guy with Leo Laporte – Aug 22, 2009

I was lucky enough to get on the show, The Tech Guy with Leo Laporte.

I asked him the question below:

Q Justin, ElCampo, TX - Office 2000 update

Justin only uses Word and Excel from Office 2000. Should he allow updates to the rest of the suite which he hasn’t installed? Leo says go ahead, it won’t hurt it and some files are shared in the suite anyway.

Well that’s all well & good but I wasn’t asking about Office 2000 but Office 2007. Leo didn’t ask me to clarify what version it was but I guess it didn’t matter was what version it was, it would probably work the same way.

Thank you Leo for taking my call. I called 11 times & had 2 callers in front of me before I went on the air.